
The classic elements you would expect on your day

The traditional choice

The traditional choice

A traditional ceremony, see here, covers all the classic elements you would expect on your day.  We will provide a selection of declaratory and contracting words, plus readings and promises that you can choose from.  You will not be able to include your own promises and readings, please see the enhanced ceremony for this option.

It is possible to select your own music choice to be played throughout your ceremony.  Live music is permitted with the enhanced ceremony only. You can learn more about the running order of our traditional and enhanced ceremony’s here.

For more information and to book please call 0300 111 8001.

What's included in a traditional ceremony?

Our traditional ceremonies are available in our Registration Offices and Approved Venues. Your options include:

  • Recorded music only
  • Your choice of music for the Seating of guests, Entrance, Signing and Exit.
  • Option for giving away
  • Choice of legal declaratory words (Ceremony 1,2 or 3)
  • Choice of legal contracting words (Ceremony 1,2 or 3)
  • Option to add Promises (Selection from choices)
  • Option to exchange rings
  • Up to two readings
  • Two witnesses only

Note. Dogs as Ring Bearers and all other requests are subject to permission of the Superintendent Registrar and the venue.

What's included in a traditional ceremony?

Considering an Enhanced Ceremony?

We understand that some may wish to add something a little bit different to their ceremony, including a keepsake of your special day. This also gives you the option to include your own readings, live music and more.

Find out more